ALTIUS Communications, leading global provider of microwave broadband solutions and accessories, has been awarded a five-year U.S. General Services Administration (GSA) Schedule 70 contract, number GS-35F-0560V for providing government agencies with information technology (IT) and telecommunications products and professional services.
The GSA Schedule contract represents a milestone and a great opportunity for both ALTIUS and its current and new government customers. This contract provides a streamlined process to purchase four of the best and most exciting broadband solutions in the industry today. We are committed to strengthening our government relationships, and now agencies at the federal, state, local, and municipal levels can access these fine products with preferred pricing, faster acquisition times and lower administrative costs.
The initial phase of the GSA schedule includes Ceragon and E-Band high capacity licensed microwave equipment and Eltek-Valere and Server Technology’s DC power and remote management systems. Government customers will be able to conveniently access and order these products online through the GSA Web sites. More information and links can be found on www.altiuscomm.com. We look forward to adding more of the ALTIUS portfolio of broadband solutions to the contract in the coming months. The products that are currently available through the GSA Schedule are outlined below: |
E-Band Communications Corporation The E-Link 1000EXR, is the highest performance gigabit radio in the world. This product delivers more than 3-times improvement in link budget over all competing millimeter wave products. E-Band Communications' advanced technology delivers industry leading output power and receiver sensitivity, which coupled with forward error correction, delivers an additional 6dB of link budget over our E-Link 1000. Available in the 71-76 and 81-86 GHz bands.
Eltek-Valere Power Eltek Valere's power systems cover the entire range of application areas within the telecommunications industry. A typical DC power system includes rectifiers, control and monitoring modules, AC distribution for rectifier input, dc distribution, batteries, and low voltage disconnect options. All our systems use state-of-art hot plug-in switchmode rectifiers allowing for easier system upgrades. Multiple rectifiers operate in parallel to ensure redundant operation.
Ceragon Networks Ceragon's FibeAir® product family is a breakthrough in the wireless point-to-point market, combining spectral and hardware efficiency, modularity, flexibility and upgradeability in a single, compact 1U system. Their uniquely designed intelligent network elements operate across multiple frequencies, support integrated ultra high-capacity services over SDH/SONET, ATM and IP networks, and offer innovative built-in add/drop multiplexing and encryption functionality. Available in the 6-38 GHz bands.
Server Technology Control remote sites and minimize the impact of locked up routers , servers , and other network devices. The Sentry -48 Vdc family of intelligent PDU’s verifies voltage at each power input/outlet connection , provides real time recording of current draw and offers environmental monitoring. Each power output terminal is protected by a GMT or TPA fuse. There is a wide fuse capacity range available.
The ALTIUS Commitment — Our commitment to our customers is simple: a technically competent sales engineer will serve you directly from concept to production and beyond. Please let us know how we can assist you with your next Microwave or DC Power System project.
Email ALTIUS for more info and lead times at sales@altiuscomm.com
Or fill out the attached contact form.
